Friday, December 12, 2008

Carousel fun with Papa

Lexie and Macey getting on line to ride the "Neighs"

Macey is riding her reindeer and Papa is with Lexie on her horse

After the ride, the girls are with Papa and Dan ready for their next adventure :)

Backyard fun in Ross's fun house

The girls, Dan and Drei all playing in the house

What a gorgeous smile!

Macey ringing the doorbell

Lexie throwing the ball to Drei

There is that smile again - WOW!

Big shoes, Gigi hugs and Drei's bath

Macey trying on the "BIG" shoes

Gigi getting a Macey hug

Lexie and Macey amazed at Drei's whole bath process

Thanksgiving with the Goldbergs 2

Lexie and Macey first arriving and so excited to play with Madison and her cousin

Jess with all three girls - Macey, Lexie and Madison, - singing Humptey Dumptey

Sherrie with Madison

Seth cutting the Turkey - YUM!

The ball pit

Seth's sister Danielle and her son in the ball pit

Thanksgiving with the Goldbergs

Dan, Macey, Bailey and Lexie all playing before the big meal

Macey finds a fun "duckie" to ride

Rachel taking a break after all the cooking to play with Julia and Noah

Rachel's delicious turkey cupcakes!

Lexie and Macey seeing Elmo on TV for the first time. They were wowed! Just amazed at how he got in the TV!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Coca Cola Museum with the Papa's

Dan, "Papa" Gigi, Papa, Papa Jules and Macey and Lexie about to enter the new Coca-Cola Museum

Macey and Lexie up close with the big "B"

Papa Jules with Lexie and Macey

Dan proudly drinking his coca-cola classic

The girls' new craft-room

Jess - painting the girls' new craft room

Mixing the paint

All done

Two blackboards and a tree to learn the seasons

Finally, the girls come in with Gigi and Papa to see their new room

They sit down at the table for the first time and start to color

Macey looking around - taking it all in

Lexie pointing to the hanging butterfly

Macey and Lexie - finally facing foward!

Dan strapping Lexie into her forward facing carseat for the first time!

Papa giving kisses to Lexie

Gigi strapping in Macey to her forward facing carseat for the first time!

Macey taking off her shoes and getting comfortable

Lexie so excited to face forward - offering me her biscuit :)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Coloring at CPK

Dan with the girls at CPK

Macey studiously coloring at the table

Lexie, choosing just the right color.
They were SO good, sat and colored quietly the whole time - wow - we love crayons!

Voting Day 2008

Dan and Macey getting ready to go vote

Lexie with Jess, very excited about the whole voting process

Macey congratulating Dan on exercising his right to vote

Lexie checking out Jess's "I am Georgia Voter" peach sticker

Halloween 2008 - Go Falcons!

All in costume getting ready to go to the neighborhood Halloween party!

On our way!

The girls taking the costume walk around the pool

Lexie and Macey posing with all the other kids in costume

Trick or Treat!