Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween playdate

Macey, dressed as a Falcons fan, rides the zebra

Lexie, also dressed as a Falcons fan, plays with "ElmoElmoElmo!!!"

Lexie and Macey and their friends (Chloe- the Witch, Nathan the Knight and Madison the Bee) all sit down to make their own Trick-or-Treat bags. It was the girls first crafting project - such fun!

Halloween puff pastries in the shape of bats, ghosts and pumkins - wow!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Lexie and Macey's first concert!

The girls (Lexie, Macey and their friend Madison) all in the wagon (or the "buggie" as Macey calls it) waiting for the concert to begin

The girls sitting on my lap, very captured by the fun singers and their instraments

Premium seating :)

Madison and her mommy and daddy (Seth and Sherrie)
Dan arrives for some fun playtime and dinner with the girls at Jeronimo!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Moving Day

Early Morning loading the truck

The girls enjoying their last breakfast in the Wayside house

Everything packed and ready to go...

Dan and Grandma spend the day loading and unloading with the movers while the girls spend the day with Jess out of both houses at music class and with friends

Finally, night and we settle down in the girls new room.

An exhausted Grandma!

The whole family is home :)

Going Away Party with Wayside Friends

The family eating together

Dan helping Lexie down the slide

Macey and Alex so excited to go down the slide

Doug, Andrea, Natalie, Sharla, Alex, Stu and Sue all eating at the table

Jill and Ingrid playing:
Where's Macey? ...
There she is!