Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Game Day - Falcons!

Dan got us side-line passes. Lexie and Macey are checking everything out in their Falcons outfits - so cute!

Gigi, Uncle Jeff, Aunt Jenny, Jess, Lexie and Macey and Dan all taking in the view from the sideline

Papa pointing everything out to Macey

At our seats - Lexie and Macey trying icecream (dippin dots) for the first time

Friday, January 9, 2009

Channukah with Gigi and Papa

Lexie and Macey opening up a present from Gigi and Papa

Lexie and Macey playing with their new bricks and Ernie dolls

Papa, Gigi and Uncle Jeff joining in the fun

Channukah with Aunt Jenny and Uncle Jeff - and ELMO LIVE!!!

Aunt Jenny giving Lexie and Macey Elmo live!

Macey is in LOVE! Lot's of hugging and kissing ensues :)

Now Lexie's turn to hug - this Elmo is AMAZING - he talks and tells stories and really looks alive - kinda weird - but the girls LOVE him!

The girls introduce their new Elmo's to their Elmo chairs - they REALLY love Elmo!

Channukah with Gramps

Gramps with the girls and Dan in their "happy" room

Channukah dinner

Gramps showing the girls his silly side

Channukah party with Lexie and Macey's new friends

The whole group

Macey and Lexie opening their presents at the gift exchange

1st night of Channukah with Grammy

Tutu's from Grammy

Lexie saying "Thank you" with a hug

Shopping carts from Grammy - Macey is SO excited!!!

Grammy showing the girls how to shop!

Lexie and Macey going through their carts

Drei relaxing with Grammy

Channukah dinner

Lexie playing with Dan and her new musical instruments

Grammy showing Lexie how to wear her pretty new bracelets