Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lexie and Macey turn 2 years old!!!

Lighting the candles on the Elmo cupcakes for the girls' birthday

Dan helping Macey blow out the candles and make a wish

Noah giving a big smile for the camera before enjoying his cupcake

Julia exploring the red icing

Macey having fun with Dan and her yellow cup

Lexie is much more interested in cheweing on her plastic plate than eating her cupcake

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Little Bears

Madison, Sherrie and Lexie on top of the big yellow slide at Little Bears

Chloe coming down the slide

Macey enjoying the swing

Madison enjoying the big slide

Macey is exploring all the fun mazes at Little Bears

Lexie LOVES the big yellow slide - WEEEEE!!!

Pre-Birthday Dinner with Grammy and Gramps

Gramps and Grammy preparing the meal
Everyone eating

Gramps relaxing after the meal in the message chair

Grammy, Dan and the girls playing with the instraments

Grammy with Lexie and Macey in their house

Lexie and Macey's first Rainbow Cookie experience

The Scheinzeit family tradition continues!
Dan with Macey at Goldbergs feeding her her first rainbow cookie!

Dan feeding Lexie her first Rainbow cookie - More More they shouted!