Thursday, January 28, 2010


SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute in their new leotards!!!!

Lexie and Macey and Julia making bunny ears with teacher Ms. Masha

Macey doing her crab stand with Ms. Masha

The girls with Ryan sitting and watching Ms. Masha demonstrated how to hang on the bar

Julia hanging and lifting her legs

Ms. Masha helping Macey at the uneven bars

Lexie's turn to do a flip on the bar

And over she goes!

Lexie, Ryan, Macey and Julia on the balance beam

Florida! and all the Great Grandparents

Lexie at the airport with Great Grandpa

Soo Cute!!

Lexie and Macey so excited to wear their cute summer dresses

Cuties in the mirror in the elevator

Off to the beach for their first time to see the ocean

Lexie and Jess playing in the sand

Macey playing in what she called "a really big sandbox" :)

The girls making a mermaid together

Great Grandpa and Great Grandma at the zoo with the ponies

Ice cream!

Dan with the girls at Festival - the girls are eating pickles on a stick - what a great moment!

Lexie with Great Grandma at a museum she found in her guide book from 1981!

Macey with Dan

Macey with Gamoo

Papa Hesh and Gamoo and Great Grandma and Great Grandpa eating with the girls at Two J's

Papa Jules and Fran and Great Grandma and Great Grandpa

Papa Jules watching Dan and Macey play the piano at the club

Papa Jules and Fran with Dan and the girls

Lexie on the horsie at Cosco

Great Grandma with Lexie and Macey

Dan and Grandpa

Macey playing with the kitchen

Hanukah Party and Puppet theater

Lighting the candles

Jess with Princess Macey

Adorable Panda Lexie

Lexie and Macey playing with their new puppet theater

What cute puppeteers!